Ordering a product means purchasing a product that is in stock. This kind of product is shipped within 7 business days from reciving the payment. We guarantee 14 days for the return or exchange.
The buying "pre order" means the purchase of goods that we make at the customer's request, after selecting by him options such as model, size, color, type of yarn or type of fastening. We add the possibility of individual modification to products "pre order". We treat this type of purchase as a service, so it is not returntable but only exchangeable. The knitting process to create "pre order" product can take us from 14 to 60 working days plus shipping time. If you want to receive the item in a specific or faster time, then please contact us before purchasing. We will provide information on when the product will be ready. The delivery time depends on the availability of materials and the number of orders in a given period.